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SPA 500: Mapping Black Literary Networks in Latin America/ Mapeando Redes Literarias de Intellectuales Negros en America Latina: Home


Welcome to your research guide for Spanish Seminar. Our goal is to help build a comprehensive guide to aid the research and writing process.

Suggested Search Terms for Catalog Searching

Be sure to try Artists, Geographic locations, or social movements as well to find the best results. 

How to

How to Find and Borrow a DVD?!?Comic book graphic asking where are the dvds

DVDs are stored at the Circulation Desk! Please browse and search using the steps below:

  • Search for DVD titles using our catalog. Try this DVD-filtered search link!
    • Once the search page loads, click next to "kw:(DVD)" in the search box and add your own keywords.
    • Try genre, actor, director, title, etc. Examples: zombie or Scorsese or Pacino or Moonlight.
  • Request DVDs for checkout from Circulation Desk staff OR request a hold for a DVD film by using our online holds request system. (Watch hold request how-to video.)


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Fernando Gonzalez
600 West Walnut Street