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ANT/SOC 500 Senior Seminar: Home

Course Guide

Welcome to the ANT/SOC 500 Course Guide! This is a compilation of electronic resources held by the library that will direct you to scholarly information useful in your senior seminar research. The most significant and impactful databases and titles to which Centre College has access are included here. If you would like assistance in using these resources, or need help finding additional information, please contact a reference librarian.

Get your search started

Search Centre Library's Catalog for Books, DVDs &  More

The library catalog can be a useful place to begin exploring a topic for secondary sources. Searching from the library catalog allows you to search all library databases in one search. You can limit your results to scholarly articles in the left column,.

Google Scholar is also an excellent resource for scholarly articles. Especially useful are the "Works cited" and "Related articles" links under a useful article's description. These links can help you find more articles directly related to the scholarly conversation that interests you.

Keep your search organized

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Anthropology databases

Public Anthropology

Specific journals for anthropology


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Karoline Manny
Karoline Manny
600 West Walnut Street
Danville, KY 40422