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HIS 368 - Latinx Communities in the United States: Primary Sources

Find primary sources in Centre's library

Find primary sources using Centre's catalog and these search tips:

Find books: Search the library catalog by topic and limit by date of publication.

Find autobiographies: Search the library catalog for the name of an individual as an author (last name, first). 

Find memoirs, diaries or collections of letters or interviews: Search the library catalog for the name of an individual as an author (last name, first) or search by subject and add the appropriate subject terms to the subject heading:  Correspondence, Letters, Diaries, Interviews, Personal narratives.  (Ex.:  subject keywords might be:  Japanese American interviews or Japanese American diaries). 

Find Speeches: Search the library catalog by names of authors or by subject and include -speeches indexes. (Ex.: Harry Truman speeches).

Find Pamphlets: Search the library catalog by subject and add the subject term -pamphlets. (Ex. Cold war pamphlets).

Find Photographs: Search the library catalog by subject and include the terms-photographs or -pictorial works. For example: world war 1939-1945 pictorial works

Find Cartoons:  To find books that discuss and reproduce cartoons from a specific time period, search library catalogs by subject and add the subject terms -caricatures and cartoons  For example:  -Spanish-American war caricatures and cartoons.  Search an article database that includes Historical Newspapers, such as the Historical New York Times database.



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Fernando Gonzalez
600 West Walnut Street