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Predatory Journals & Publishing

This guide aims to assist the Centre College community by helping to identify potentially disreputable publishing practices of Predatory Publishers

Predatory Publisher Behavior

  • E-mailed Direct Solicitations to Submit an Article
    • Journals do not commonly need to ask for articles directly
    • Email is not well written ( i.e. includes typos or misspelled words; language awkward is or unprofessional)
    • E-mail uses flattery to convince you to submit your article or join their editorial board
      • Example: "your contribution towards the research is absolutely prominent" or "Dear Esteemed Scholar"
    • E-mail comes from a generic contact address (Gmail, Outlook, etc.)
  • Journal Name Suspiciously Similar to a Prominent Journal in the Field
    • The Name is trying make you believe it is a journal or publisher with which you are already familiar (i.e. Science Huβ, The Science Publishers, etc.) or a well-respected journal (i.e. Science
    • Many predatory publishers create journal titles (and even publisher company names) that are intentionally similar to well respected journals or publishers
  • Misleading Geographic Information in the Title
    • The journal title might suggest that it is located in America, but the publisher might actually be based in another country
  • Outdated or Unprofessional Website Appearance
    • Journal Website is
      • hard to find
      • has an outdated appearance
      • has typos, spelling and/or grammatical errors
      • has distorted or fuzzy images that are not authorized to appear on the website
      • has insufficient or no "About" information
    • The journal is not sponsored or produced by a well-known and well-respected organization, association, or academic institution
    • False claims of being a "leading publisher" or using boastful language regarding their reputation
  • Too Broad Aim & Scope
    •  Unrealistic or inappropriate aim or scope
  • Insufficient Contact Information 
    • The journal does not provide full contact information, including a physical address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses; only a web contact form
  • Lack of Editors or Editorial Board
    • The journal names leading scholars in a field among their editorial boards without their knowledge or consent. Contact journal editors and board members and ask about their experience with the journals
    • The members of the journal's editorial board are not listed on the website
  • Editors with No or False Academic Credentials
    • The people listed are not recognized experts in the field nor are their credentials included
  • Unclear Author Fee Structures​​​​​​​
    • The policies regarding author fees are not easily located on the journals website, not clearly explained, nor comparable to other reputable open access journals 
    • Article processing charges and other associated publication costs are not mentioned as well as no mention of when fees are due
  • ​Bogus Impact Factors​​​​​​​
    • No impact factor or one that is fabricated​​​​​​​
  • ​Invented Metrics​​​​​​​
    • Metrics are not standard or other reputable journals do not use these same metrics. Check stated journal impact factor
  • False Index Claims​​​​​​​
    • Journal isn't indexed in reputable places nor can be verified
  • Speedy or False Peer Review Process​​​​​​​
    • Journal's peer review process is unclear or not actually followed
    • An expedited peer review process is indication that either no peer-review is taking place or the peer-review is of low quality
  • "Instructions for Authors" Information is Unavailable​​​​​​​
    • No instructions for authors regarding how to submit a manuscript nor information about how manuscripts are handled once submitted
  • Manuscripts Submitted via E-mail​​​​​​​
    • Manuscripts submissions should be via a journal-specific or third party submission system 
    • Predatory publishers require manuscript submission via e-mail
  • No Published Articles Available
    • ​​​​​​​Published articles cannot be evaluated on the site
    • Numerous articles were published by the same author(s); titles and abstracts seem inappropriate for the journal; articles not well-researched or based on sound science
    • Published articles not written by academics and experts
      • Predatory publishers publish papers that are not written by academics or that are pseudo-science
    • Articles are reproduced from reputable journals
      • Predatory publishers sometimes plagiarize papers that have already been published in other journals without providing credit, claiming the publication as their own
  • Negative Reputation for Publisher
    • ​​​​​​​There are documented examples (from inclusion on Beall's List, Cabell's, or exclusion from 'top journal' lists) that the journal or publisher has a negative reputation
  • Digital Preservation Information is Lacking or Inadequate
    • ​​​​​​​Prolonged access to articles is not ensured
  • No Retraction Policy
    • ​​​​​​​No process for alerting readers or authors about claims of retraction 
  • No Copyright Information
    • ​​​​​​​No listed copyright information on the site
  • No ISSN
    • ​The journal is not ​​​​​​uniquely identified as a serial publication

Some content repurposed from Predatory Publishing: Red Flags