Note: You do not need to cite common knowledge.
Online Journal (Basic Format)
Author, A.A.; Author, B.B.; Author, C.C.; etc. Title of Article. Journal Abbreviation (italics) [Online] Year (boldface), Volume (italics), Inclusive pagination or other identifying information. URL of top page (accessed Month Day, Year).
Book (Basic format)
Author, A. A.; Author, B. B. Book Title (italics), Edition (if any); Publisher: Place of Publication, Year; Pagination.
References should be listed on a separate page and numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text. Give complete information, using the last name and initials of the author, patentee, or equivalent; do not use "Annonymous". Follow Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index for abbreviations of journal titles. References should be cited in the text by superscript numbers, for example, 1. Consult The ACS Style Guide, 3rd ed., and current issues of the journal for style and format. Typical references follow the styles given below.
For journals:
Brown, J.; Jones, M.; Green, D. Article title. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1980, 28, 1-4. (Use issue number only if each issue begins with page 1.)
For books:
Smith, L.; Caldwell, A. Chapter title. In Book Title, edition no.; Keys, F.; Park, G., Eds.; Publisher: City, State (or Country if non-U.S.), Year; Vol. no., pp.