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MLA Style

1. Article in a Print Newspaper

Give the page range of the article. If the article does not appear on consecutive pages, use a plus sign (+) after the first page number. If the city of publication is not obvious from the title of the newspaper, include the city in brackets after the name of the newspaper.

If sections are identified by letter, include the section letter as part of the page number. If sections are numbered, include the section number between the date and the page number, using the abbreviation “sec.”: 14 Sept. 2009, sec. 2: 21.

Page number with section letter

Page number with section number

Editorial or other unsigned article

Begin with the article title and alphabetize the entry by title in the list of works cited.

"Getting the Message: Communicating Electronically with Doctors Can Spur Honesty from Young Patients." Editorial. Columbus [OH] Dispatch 19 June 2008: 10A. Print.

Letter to the editor

Morris, David. “Fiercely Proud.” Letter. Progressive Feb. 2008: 6. Print.

2. Article in an Online Newspaper

Give the author, the title of the article, in quotation marks; the title of the newspaper, italicized; the sponsor or publisher of the site (use “N.p.” if there is none); the date of publication; the medium; and your date of access.

Smith, Andrew D. "Poll: More than 70% of US Workers Use Internet on the Job." Dallas Morning News, 25 Sept. 2008. Web. 29 Oct. 2009.

Online editorial or letter to the editor

Cite as you would an editorial or a letter to the editor in a print publication, adding information for a short work from a Web site.

"Compromise Is Key with Religion at Work." Editorial. Star Tribune, 18 June 2008. Web. 25 June 2009.

Chicago Style

1. Article in a Print Newspaper

Page numbers are not necessary; a section letter or number, if available, is sufficient.

Archibold, Randal C. "These Neighbors Are Good Ones without a New Fence." New York Times, October 22, 2008, sec. A.

2. Article in an Online Newspaper

Include the URL for the article; if the URL is very long, use the URL for the newspaper’s home page. Omit page numbers, even if the source provides them.

McManus, Doyle. "The Candor War." Chicago Tribune, July 29, 2010.

Newspaper article from a database

Give whatever identifying information is available in the database listing: a DOI for the article; the name of the database and the number assigned by the database; or a "stable" or "persistent" URL for the article.

Levy, Clifford J. "A Legendary Hero Guides a Reborn Kyrgyzstan." New York Times, January 2, 2000. ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (91814116).

Unsigned newspaper article

Boston Globe. "Renewable Energy Rules." August 11, 2003, sec. A.

Letter to the editor

Do not use the letter's title, even if the publication gives one.

Harlan, David. Letter to the editor. New York Review of Books, October 9, 2008.