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Digital Scholarship: Centre College Institutional Repository

Digital Scholarship possibilities at the Centre College Library.

What is CCIRC?

The Centre College Institutional Repository Collection or CCIRC is the permanent repository for scholarship related to Centre College faculty, staff, and students. 

Why use CCIRC? 

CCIRC is a truly open access platform for scholarship. In addition, your work will be backed up on a local server and in the library's offsite digital cold storage, ensuring preservation and access of the work for decades to come.


File Formats

CCIRC prefers the following file types. If necessary, we can convert other file formats to an appropriate format.

Text documents: .PDF, .TXT, .DOC, .DOCX

Spreadsheets: .CSV, .XLS

Images: .TIFF, .PNG, .JPEG

Audio: MP3, MP4, WAV

Video: MOV, AVI, WMV, MPEG-2

If a program is submitted, it must be in a text format.

For other format types, please contact library archives staff.

Should You Deposit Your Work?

Graphic of what materials must contain to be accepted into the institutional repository. Text below image.

I am a member of the Centre College community.

This is a scholarly work.

I want it to be available to the world.

If you answer yes to these three statements, please contact the library about depositing your work in CCIRC.