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IST 210 - Research Design: Find Secondary Sources - Articles

Find Peer Reviewed Articles

What are peer reviewed articles and when are they used?

Peer reviewed articles are scholarly works, written by academics or other professionals. They are published in journals after evaluation by subject experts. Peer reviewed articles are the most reliable academic resources. When researching a topic, scholars normally read the peer reviewed research previously published on the topic for background understanding, to discover what is already known on the topic and to determine what needs further research.

Sources of peer reviewed articles

Below are databases containing peer reviewed articles of interest to IST majors:

Multi-disciplinary databases
Gender focus
Politics focus
History focus
Culture/Anthropology focus
Economics focus

Find Professional Articles and Reports

What are professional articles and when are they used?

Professional articles (or reports) are materials written by industry experts. They may or may not cite other scholarly resources, but they often cite data or statistics. They are not peer-reviewed. They are often prepared for to help legislators understand an issue. In academic research they are good sources of background information.

Sources  of professional articles

Below are sources of professional articles and reports of interest to IST majors:


Find Popular Articles

What are popular articles and when are they used?

Popular sources include newspaper and magazine articles. They are written by non-experts, though often by people with a special interest in a topic. Their intended audience is the general public. In academic research, popular sources are useful during the initial stages of research to help the researcher gain understanding of all sides of an issue. They often also are valuable primary sources.

Sources of popular articles

Below are some sources of popular articles of interest to IST majors:


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Karoline Manny
Karoline Manny
600 West Walnut Street
Danville, KY 40422

Advanced Research Toolbox

Citation Managers

Citation managers are software tools that help you collect, organize, cite, and share references. They integrate with your web browser as your search and you can use them to organize your references into a personal library. Anyone working on writing projects that require more than a few references will benefit from using a citation manager.

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