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War and Centre College: Secondary Material

This guide contains information on archival material at Centre College Special Collections and Archives related to the College's war history. Materials included in this guide were curated by Annalise Weedman `24.

Secondary Material

Secondary source material located in the Special Collections and Archives room. Searchable via the Centre College Library website


  1. Centre College: Scholars, Gentlemen, and Christians by William Weston (LD881.D42 W47 2010)
    • Describes Centre during the Civil War and World War II
  2. Centre College: A Bicentennial History 1819-2019 by William Weston (LD881.D42 W472 2019)
    • Describes Centre during the Civil War and World War II
  3. Centre College of Kentucky: A Tradition and an Opportunity by Hardin Craig (LD881.D45 C7 1967
    • Describes Centre during the Civil War, World War I, and World War II
  4. Our Standard Sure: Centre College Since 1819 bye C. Thomas Hardin (LD881.D42 O87 2009)
    • Describes Centre during the Civil War in "Centre's First Century" and Centre during World War I and World War II in "Centre During War and Peace"
  5. The First Hundred Years of Kentucky Alpha-Delta of Phi Delta Theta by Gayle Watkins Threlkred (LJ75.P57 T5)
    • Includes some discussion of how the Civil War and World War I affected fraternities at Centre
  6. Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon 1854-2015 by Lucas Wetton (LJ75.D33 C46 2014)
    • Includes some discussion of DKE during the Civil War, World War I, and World War II