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Desegregation at Centre College: The Danville Advocate Newspapers


Below are a handful of citations found in the local Danville Advocate-Messenger that may be relevant to your project. The Grace Doherty Library has several decades of issues from this newspaper on microfilm (a length of film containing microphotographs of a newspaper, catalog, or other document). The microfilmed newspapers will give you insight into what Danville was like in the past. Microfilm is located on the lower level of the library and may be accessed any time the library is open. For help using the microfilm reader, please see the Reference Librarian on duty.

Danville Advocate Citations

  1. “Fraternity Mock Hangings Started in ‘70s as Innocent Fun,” Advocate-Messenger (Danville, KY), Nov.

23, 1988. 

  1. Explanation of the Phi Delta Theta’s tradition that led to the “mock hanging” in 1988. What was usually a fun and scary tradition of “hanging” a member for their “sins” during Halloween, in 1988, rather than using green, white or red paint on the “hangee”, they used black charcoal 

  2. Retired Negro Women’s Leader, 74, Has Broad Plans for Her Life," Advocate-Messenger (Danville, KY),

    1. Jan. 11, 1950. 

  3. “The highest post a woman of her race had held in governance”. The article mentioned the achievement of Dr. Mary McLeed for being the president of the National Council of Negro Women. According to the paper, that would have been the highest position that a black woman had held up until that date. Although the paper does not expand the importance of this position for the society of the time, it mentions that Dr. McLeed was an important figure in the U.S. and might have even influenced some of the black movement that took place in the whole world during the 50s 

  4. “The fraternity said through jester that none of the remarks made during the ceremony reflected any

racism,” Advocate- Messenger (Danville, KY), Nov. 18, 1988.

  1. More information on the mock hanging committed by Phi Delta Theta in Danville's Advocate-Messenger  

  1. “Voice of the People: Dear Editor,” Advocate-Messenger (Danville, KY), Dec. 4, 1988.  

  1. This was a letter written to the editor by Mrs. John G. Fry, which could be Mrs. Helen Fisher-Fry who was also married to a man named John Frye. In this letter she voices her concern about the “mock hanging” that happened on Centre’s Campus saying, I am aghast that such a degrading incident should occur on the campus.” 

  2. Wolfford, Amy, Blacks Speak Out Against Hanging,” Advocate-Messenger (Danville, KY) Nov. 20, 1988. 

  3. An article written in the wake of the "Mock hangings" scandal that took place on Centre's Campus. This article shares the perspectives from a few black students as well as the Black Student Union as an organization.