This website provides free color contrast analysis tools that will display the color contrast issues of a web page or chosen color-pair; per WCAG 2.1 Guidelines. Color Contrast refers to how bright or dark colors appear against each other on screens; particularly with regard to the relative, gray-scale luminosity as perceived by the human eye.
Provides free accessibility plugins that work without refactoring your website's existing code and will increase compliance with WCAG 2.1 , ATAG 2.0 , ADA ,& Section 508 requirements.
Free to download, the DAT is a dedicated accessibility ribbon menu for Microsoft Word that makes it quicker and easier to create accessible documents. Provided by Vision Australia.
"Before sending your email message or sharing your document or spreadsheet, run the Accessibility Checker to make sure your Microsoft Office content is easy for people of all abilities to read and edit." (Microsoft)