The quality and usefulness of a college library collection depends upon systematic, deliberate collection development as well as maintenance. Not only must we preserve what is of long lasting value, we must also weed or deselect books and other library materials that we deem obsolete or that no longer support the curriculum of the college or the mission of the library.
- To remove obsolete, redundant, and little used materials from the shelves;
- To clear shelving for new materials;
- To improve the overall quality and relevance of the library collection.
- Review all titles published before 1960 that have not circulated since 1994;
- Identify and review obsolete materials;
- Identify, repair, or withdraw materials in poor condition;
- Identify and cancel journal titles that no longer support curriculum of the college.
The Director of Library Services and the library staff will identify materials to be reviewed for removal from the library collection. The Director of Library Services will consult with appropriate members of the faculty before cancelling journals and before weeding books falling under the guidelines as cited.