Brainstorm other resources -
- No death certificate? Try to find an obituary.
- No obituary? Try to find a burial.
- No burial? Check to see when person was last listed in a census.
- You might not get an exact date, buy you'll be able to narrow it down.
When you have John Smith Sr., John Smith Jr., and John Smith, III
- Associate them with another family member (spouse, child, parent, sibling)
- Associate them with a locality (John Smith of Danville, KY)
- Associate them with a job (John Smith was a railroad worker)
If you can't find a direct line between child and parent
- Look for other relations (siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins) and see if you can draw a line between the other relation and the parent.
When you hit a brick wall
- Ask a librarian for assistance.
- Look for a local genealogist who can help.
- Write up WHY you can't go any further and what you've tried.