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Genealogy Resources: African Resources

Resources for genealogy research around the world.


  • Africa is made up of 54 countries, each with their own requirements for vital record registration. Some countries, such as Botswana, began to register births in 1968. Others, such as Ethiopia, did not require registration until 2016. You can check the completeness of birth registrations here: Completeness of Birth Registrations
  • The importance of oral traditions and other intangible cultural heritage can make finding genealogy online difficult. Don't be afraid to reach out directly to community members from the area of interest.
  • Many of the archives in this region are noted to be difficult, if not impossible, to reach via mail/email and gaining on-site access can be a long and tedious ordeal. I encourage you to try, but manage your expectations.



Holdings in other countries

Enslaved Africans