Which Release Forms do you need?
Videotape Release Form This form releases the performance of a Guest Speaker/Lecturer.
Photograph Release Form This form releases your photograph to Centre College.
Archive Release Form This form releases a student's multimedia project to be archived.
Audio Recording Release Form This form releases an audio-recording of a lecture.
Creating a Podcast?
If there are no other persons in the room besides the speaker-use this release: Solo Podcast Release Form
If there is a class-use this release: Class Podcast Release Form
If your Form is not located here, make sure it is not on the Permission Forms Page!
You must fill out and turn in the Correct Permissions Form for certain uses on campus.
Instead of hiring a clearance company to obtain clearance and assemble a coursepack, you (or the divisional secretary) can do it. Why take on this extra work? There may be two good reasons: 1) a clearance company may be unable to obtain permission for certain items that you may be able to obtain yourself; and 2) by doing it yourself you can save students' money by minimizing your fees.
It's not unusual for a clearance company to be unable or unwilling to acquire permission for certain works. Here's why: Clearance companies typically enter into affiliations with academic publishers--that is, they get permission in advance to use all the material in the publisher's catalog. This avoids having to spend the time and bother of asking permission to use each individual item. This works fine so long as the material you want to use comes from publishers who have affiliated with the coursepack company. But if the material is not from one of these pre-cleared publishers, the clearance company often will not even try to get permission, or will be unable to obtain permission if they do try.
Here are some suggestions for preparing your own coursepack:
· Start with the publisher (not the author) of the item you want to use and direct your request to the publisher 's permissions, licensing or clearance department. If the publisher doesn't control the rights you need, they can probably direct you to the rights holder. Information about locating publishers is provided in Chapter 2, Section A2.
· Obtain permission for works whether or not they are in print. Even if a work is out of print, you still need permission to use it unless it is in the public domain.
· Fax or mail your request at least three to nine weeks before your class begins (most publishers will not accept email requests for permission). (See a sample coursepack request form and permission form)