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CreateSpace: About

Welcome to CreateSpace!

Located on the lower level of Crounse Hall, CreateSpace allows the campus community to engage with new technologies in the production of digital scholarship and innovation in the areas of computer science and data science, as well as engineering. Along with an opportunity to experiment with and cultivate new modes and methods of scholarship, users will engage with current technological trends, such as: the role and future of artificial intelligence, digital badging, and the responsible and fair use of digital resources. CreateSpace has vibrant potential to allow all campus constituents a place to play, imagine, and engage in Critical Making. Centrally located on the first floor of Crounse in the library where student traffic, class meetings, and faculty offices are housed, this space affords Centre College an accessible place to foster academic creativity.


CreateSpace is a creative space where students, faculty, and staff are inspired and supported to explore innovative technologies and develop inventive projects.


  1. Creative Curiosity—Imagine and experiment with technology.
  2. Cooperative Conversation—Engage in collaborative work and incorporate multiple perspectives.
  3. Ease of Experimentation—Learn by doing and recognize the value of failure and of iterative learning. 


Foster new modes of knowledge building and scholarship

Students, faculty, and researchers use digital technologies to explore subjects in new and meaningful ways.  Students, faculty, and staff will engage with technology as producers of digital scholarship, not just consumers. We support access to these modes of knowledge by providing access to equipment, maintaining open use computers with necessary software, and offering skills-based workshops and consultations to help aspiring digital scholars.

Provide access to technology

CreateSpace provides access to equipment free of cost.  As we grow and expand, we are committed to continuing free and low-cost solutions. Learning modern technologies is costly both in access to the equipment and in the use of consumable materials utilized during the learning process. Additionally, not all students come with the same level of knowledge regarding equipment use.  Through our workshop series, we aim to provide various levels of instruction and modes of learning to meet students and instructors at their level of knowledge and comfort.  We strive to provide a welcoming learning zone with knowledgeable peer support at every step of the way. 

Enable opportunities to build relationships across the institution

We seek opportunities to build campus partnerships with the goal of supporting digital scholarship for students.  We work with faculty on individual assignments, offer our own workshops, and collaborate with ITS (Information Technology Services) and other campus offices and groups.

Establish opportunities for students to learn through Critical Making

Critical making is the process of iterative learning through hands-on construction and conceptual exploration.  We recognize that the technologies in CreateSpace are suited to this type of learning.  Peer consultants are trained to help at every step of the process and to engage in troubleshooting with students in the space.  As we grow programming, we aim to incorporate specific opportunities and programs that integrate Critical Making.

Develop spaces that foster experimentation and innovation

CreateSpace provides access to the technologies that allow our work to be done and room to engage with the technologies and methods we support.  As we continue to review and update our program each year, our goal is to make sure those spaces are maintained in ways that reflect the needs of our campus community in the realm of digital scholarship. 

Engage students in real work that supports career exploration

Peer consultants will learn and teach technologies that will propel them forward in their desired career fields. Students, faculty, and staff will engage with technologies and learn skills that enhance and grow self-confidence and expertise with technology and production.