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Visual Communication: Timelines & Maps

Using visual communication in scholarly work.

Why use maps?

"Maps are tools. They can get you from one place to another and help you visualize the surrounding area. 

Maps are primary documents of our history, marking a point in time as it was seen.

Maps give context to stories, helping the reader to understand "where the story exists in space.

Maps simplify complicated information. Maps take complex data sets and display them in a pleasing graphic you can use to answer questions about your world."


from 10 Reasons why maps are important 

Timeline Tools

Creative Map Use


John Snow's Map of London's 1854 Cholera Outbreak.  

The cholera cases are highlighted in black.
Snow and other scientists were able to trace the cholera outbreak to a single infected water pump.

A street map of London with cholera cases highlighted in black.

Map Tools

Maps Tell Important Stories video

"Science maps serve as visual interfaces to immense amounts of data, depicting myriad objects in ways that allow us to effectively discern apparent outliers, clusters, and trends." - Places & Spaces

Timeline + Map Tools

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